Patio Days Giveaway

Patio Days Giveaway by BlvdHome

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Patio Days Giveaway

Enter for your chance to win!
 Traeger Tailgater, Meater thermometer and an Ashley 4 Piece outdoor patio set! Over a $2000 Value!

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Winner must be over the age of 18 and any account with BlvdHome must be current on their payments.   Winner will have 30 days to claim prize once notified and their prize claim form is completed.

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Enter for your chance to win a Traeger Tailgater Grill, Meater thermometer and Ashley 4 piece outdoor sectional!

 Over $2000 value!

Winner must be over the age of 18 and any account with BlvdHome must be current on their payments. Winner will have 30 days to claim prize once notified.